Clinical Studies

Scientific Measurements using VISIA® Complexion Analysis 


- Decreased the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles under eyes by 75.5%

- Decreased the appearance of nasolabial fold (smile lines) by 69.8%

- Reduced size of epicanthic wrinkles (above eyes) by 76.7%

- Decreased the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles at corner of eye

- Decreased the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on forehead by 81.22%

- Reduced facial pore size by 67.7%

- Increases facial spots and discolorations by 78.1%


Induchem Laboratories – Clinical Study on Neodermyl


Fast visible reduction of wrinkles in 15 days (clinical) Neodermyl® use at 1% was evaluated to perform rapid and visible reduction of wrinkles’ depth and volume. Wrinkles’ depth and volume are measured by silicone replica and calculated by using the Dermatop® system and Toposurf® software

* Laboratory Review 


* Laboratory Review 

Based on Scientific Survey Instruments administered by Survey Monkey® on-line data collection system 500 replies


- 100% of respondents felt wrinkles above eyes look less noticeable.

- 97.5% of respondents felt wrinkles under eyes look less noticeable

- 100% of respondents felt their smile lines look less noticeable

- 97.5% of respondents felt wrinkles at corner of eyes look less noticeable

- 95% of respondents felt their forehead wrinkles were less noticeable

- 92.5% of respondents felt their skin pores were less noticeable

- 97.5% of respondents felt under-eye dark circles were less noticeable

- 100% felt that their skin was smoother with more even texture

- 100% were satisfied or very satisfied with results after using New Age Neo Hydrate Gold Serum

- 100% would use New Age Neo Hydrate Gold Serum again

- 100% would recommend New Age Neo Hydrate Gold Serum to friends and family

- 55% of study subjects felt at least 10 years after using the New Age Neo Hydrate Gold Serum

- 100% felt the new New Age Neo Hydrate Gold Serum was convenient and easy to use

- 100% felt new New Age Neo Hydrate Gold Serum met or exceeded expectations


Clinical Study Objective

The objective of the study was to assess efficacy and acceptable safety of New Age Neo Hydrate Gold Serum when used around eyes. A variety of scientific and clinical measurements were performed during the examination intervals. Real time video and clinical before and after photos were taken. All tests and measurements were performed using techniques well established in the dermatological literature. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of New Age Neo Hydrate Gold Serum in reducing bags, wrinkles, and lines under and around eyes after 30 minutes of use. The study is intended to provide absolute proof that New Age Neo Hydrate Gold Serum works to reduce lines, wrinkles, and bags under and around the eyes in 30 minutes.

This study was performed between August and September 2016 using VISIA® Complexion Analysis System.
Before participating in the clinical study, each subject was required to sign a written informed consent, which explained the type of study, the procedures to be followed, the general nature of the materials being tested, and any known or anticipated adverse reactions that might result from participation.


We found that the New Age Neo Hydrate Gold Serum provides clear and definitive results that can be seen 30 minutes after its application.